IDEABOX Control System

Introduction Products

The  IDEABOX-ECAT series motion controller which is compatible with EtherCAT Technology, can synchronously control up to 64 axes and supports standard IEC61131-3. Due to its high computation speed and supports large number of IOs, the controller is widely used in different demanding industries.
IDEABOX-ECAT provides low cost solution to equipment manufacturer. Clients can select EtherCAT modules from different manufacturers to build different systems. With the help of development platform: OtoStudio, user can greatly reduce the development time due to its sufficient function libraries.
By using IDEABOX-ECAT controller, fewer cables are needed. It thus helps clients to easy wiring and reduces maintenance cost.

Family Member

IDEABOX 3 controller
Specially designed for complicated machine and factory automation.

IDEABOX-ECAT series controller
The IDEABOX-ECAT series motion controller which is compatible with EtherCAT Technology, can synchronously control up to 64 axes and supports standard IEC61131-3. Due to its high computation speed and supports large number of IOs, the controller is widely used in different demanding industries. IDEABOX-ECAT provides low cost solution to equipment manufacturer. Clients can select EtherCAT modules from different manufacturers to build different systems. With the help of development platform: OtoStudio, user can greatly reduce the development time due to its sufficient function libraries. By using IDEABOX-ECAT controller, fewer cables are needed. It thus helps clients to easy wiring and reduces maintenance cost.
